

Charles Conway, Inventor, My great-grandfather

Saturday, April 14, 2007


I know, the word may be daunting. Indie, there I said it. As a non-conformist I find it hard to accept that I am part of any fad or culture, even a counter-culture. Over the past year I've realized that I am, in fact, indie. I like indie film, indie music, indie literature. I'm fascinated by the author Jonathan Safran-Foer here's an interesting dialogue about "Everything is Illuminated." Anyway, I don't look indie, so maybe I'm still straying from the inevitable categorization as an indie kid. I have accepted the culture, and I like it. Here's a great indie site and MP3 blog I've accepted my fate, now I choose to share the culture with those around me that listen to the mainstream media. Be sowers of indie, spread the word my Indie Witnesses. Here's a site that reviews all kinds of albums, mainstream, indie rock, rap. They also put on a great two day festival in Chicago, pitchfork. I've managed to write this entire post without flipping out about Free Speech and Don Imus. See below for details.

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